Coding Tutorials

51 Results

Create a QR Code with 7 Lines of Python
The qrcode library is a python library for generating QR codes. To install it, run the following command in your terminal:...
How to Build a Custom E-commerce Integration With Clover
Clover’s documentation is probably the worst for any POS or payment provider I have ever seen. It’s filled with conflicting information, complex diagrams, and generally over-complicates a lot of things that sho...
How I Beat The Bookmakers With JavaScript
You may be thinking my title is complete BS, but it’s not. I am going to show you exactly how I started earning risk-free money from my sports betting accounts using just JavaScript and free resources....
How to Setup Angular Router in Your Angular Application
Angular Router is one of the best solutions for setting up routing in your single-page application. In this tutorial, I will show you how to implement Angular Router into your Angular application....
Integrating TweetSharp-Unofficial Into Your .NET Website for Twitter Login
The following steps will guide you on how to integrate TweetSharp-Unofficial into your .NET website so you can integrate Twitter login....
How to Set and Retrieve Session Variables in .NET
Session variables play a crucial role in preserving user data across multiple requests on the server. They enable the server to track client interaction and state. This blog post will guide you on how to set an...
How to Make a Custom Form Validator with Angular Reactive Forms
Angular Reactive Forms provide a powerful way to create and manage forms in your application. By combining the power of Angular forms with custom, tailored validators, you can create a robust and user-friendly ...
How to Create a Serverless API with JavaScript and Netlify
Serverless functions are a great way to quickly and easily deploy applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. With tools like Netlify, you can quickly create a new web app and serverless ...
Understanding Angular Lifecycle Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide
Angular, a popular framework for building web applications, provides various lifecycle hooks that give developers more control over their applications. These hooks allow us to tap into different phases of an An...
How to Read a Text File in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide
Reading text files in Python is a fundamental skill that every Python developer should have. Despite Python’s simplicity, it provides a powerful tool for working with data, whether it’s in text files or any oth...
How to Add a Script to Specific Pages in Next.js Using the Script Tag and ‘Only’ Attribute
One powerful feature of Next.js is the ability to attach scripts to specific pages using the Script tag and the ‘only’ attribute. This blog post will walk you through the steps on how to do this. I’m writing th...
How to Start Using GPT4 and the ChatCompletions API
If you are like me and are one of the many developers that recently got access to GPT4 models through general availability, you’ll also know OpenAI recently announced the deprecation of their simple Completions...
How to Use Cards in Your Angular Site With Angular Material
Angular Material helps developers create high-quality, responsive, and stylish UIs for their applications. One commonly used component is the mat-card, which is a content container for text, photos, and actions...
How to Easily Add a Progress Bar to Your Angular App
Angular Material provides a rich set of pre-built UI components to integrate into Angular applications. One of these components is the ‘Progress Bar’. In this post, we will be diving into how to use the <mat-pr...
How to Create a Responsive Header in Your Angular Site with Angular Material’s Toolbar
Angular Material is a UI component library for Angular apps. One of the components it offers is the toolbar component, represented by the tag <mat-toolbar>. This blog post will guide you through how to use this...
How to Easily Add Icons to Your Angular Application
Icons are a great way to add visual appeal to your website or app. With Angular Material’s MatIcon component, you can easily add icons with just a few lines of code. In this blog post, we’ll go over how to add ...
How to Use Angular Services and Dependency Injection for Efficient Data Management
Angular Services and Dependency Injection are powerful tools that allow developers to manage data efficiently. This blog post will explain how to use these tools to create efficient data management solutions....
How to Easily Create a Popup With Angular Material
Are you looking to create a popup in your Angular app using Typescript? Angular Material is the perfect tool for creating popups in your app and in this blog, I will show you how....
How to Create Tabs with Animation in Angular
Tabs are a great way to organize content into different sections. The MatTabsModule in Angular Material is a user-friendly way to create tabs in Typescript with minimal coding. It helps you quickly add and swit...
How to Analyze Market Data with Pandas and Python
Are you a budding investor or trader interested in analyzing stock prices with the Alpaca Markets API, Pandas, and Python? If so, this guide is for you! In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use these three t...
How to Easily Make a Grid Layout with Angular Matieral
Creating a grid list using Angular Material is a straightforward process. The grid list is a powerful tool that can be used to display data in a grid format. It’s visually appealing and highly customizable, mak...
How To Create Error and Success Messages Easily with Angular Material
If you are prototyping a web app and want a clean UI component for sharing success and error messages with your user, then Angular Material’s Snack Bar module is for you. In this tutorial, I will show you how t...
How To Make Get and Post Requests with JavaScript
Fetch is a modern web API that makes it easy to make HTTP requests from within JavaScript. It provides an interface for making both GET and POST requests, allowing for more complex network requests than other b...
How to Create a Simple Directive in Angular
Angular provides several core decorators that allow us to create more efficient and manageable code. One of these is the @Directive decorator. This blog post will guide you on how to use this decorator effectiv...
How to Combine an Audio and Video File With 7 Lines of Python
Have you ever needed to add a voice-over or some other audio track over a video? Well, there is a pretty simple way to automate this video editing task with a few lines of Python code. 1. Set Up First, we need...
How to Use State in Your React Application
React has a powerful feature called state, which allows you to store and manipulate data in your application. State is an important part of React and is used to maintain the data that is used to render the comp...
How to Create a Fade-In Animation with CSS
Creating a fade-in animation with CSS is actually very simple with keyframes and the animation style. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a simple fade-in animation with just HTML and CSS. No JavaScri...
Angular vs. React: When to Use Each
In the world of web development, two of the most popular frameworks are Angular and React. Both offer powerful libraries and toolsets that help developers create dynamic, interactive web applications. But which...
2023 Guide to Learning HTML and CSS in 1 Month
I made a lot of mistakes when learning HTML and CSS. I jumped right in trying to build things without having an understanding of the technologies I was using. When I finally took a step back and learned things ...
How to Integrate Your Most Recent Medium Posts into Your Site with JavaScript
If you’re a Medium user and you want to access your 10 most recent articles, you can do this using JavaScript / Node.js. This tutorial will explain the steps you need to take in order to get your 10 most recent...
Create and Deploy Your Angular Site in 3 Minutes
Getting started with your own Angular site has never been easier. In just 3 minutes, you can have a fully functioning website up and running with Netlify. Let’s dive in and take a look at how you can get starte...
How to Write a Simple API with Entity Framework
Entity framework is an awesome framework to interact with your database if you have a simple application with a small to medium amount of data. With Entity Framework, you can make an API that allows you to add,...
Create a Typing Animation with JavaScript
First let’s write the HTML for your typing animation. You’ll need a div element with an id that will be used to reference the element in our JavaScript code....
How to Automate Your Authentication Flow in Postman
Next, open the “Pre-request Script” tab in Postman and add code to authenticate your API requests. You can use the collection or global variables that you set earlier to store the authentication information, an...
How to Easily Access the WordPress Database When Making Custom Plugins
WordPress is a great platform for web development, and a lot of the features you get with WordPress don’t require you to have any knowledge of databases. However, if you’re looking to create more custom feature...
How to Create a Fade-In Animation with CSS
To create a fade-in animation with CSS and HTML, start by creating an HTML element. This could be anything from a <div> to a <p> tag—whatever makes sense for your project. For this example, let's use a <div> ta...
How to Tell if an HTML Element is in The Viewport
To create the function, you will need to start by declaring it. In this example, we will be declaring the function as isInViewport. The code for this should look like this:...
How to Make a DateTime Picker Using Plain HTML
The first step is to add the datetime-local attribute to your <input> element. This will allow the input to accept a date and time in the local timezone. The code should look something like this:...
How to Create a Responsive Horizontal Menu with Antd Component Library
Before beginning this tutorial, you should have React installed and have basic familiarity with the Antd component library. You should also make sure you have an up-to-date version of Node.js installed on your ...
How to Integrate Stripe Payments into Your React.js Site
First, create a file called ‘StripePayment.js’ in the src directory of your React project. This is where you’ll write all the code needed for the Stripe payment integration....
How to Implement a Simple Payment Field with Square Payments and React
The first step is to create a Square account. This can be done by visiting and creating an account. Once you have an account, you’ll need to create an application within the Developer Dashboard, wh...
How to Create an Angular Reactive Form Control Validator to Check for Valid XML
The DOMParser class allows us to parse XML and HTML from a string, it's built-in directly to JavaScript/TypeScript so we don’t need to install a third-party library to build our validator function. This functio...
How to Create a Scroll Animation in React.js with Framer Motion Library
In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a scroll animation in React.js, using the Framer Motion library. This code will let you run an animation on a React component when it comes int...
How to Create a Simple Animation with the Framer Motion Library in React.js
Creating animations in React.js can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. That’s where the Frame Motion library comes in. This powerful yet easy-to-use tool makes it simple to add intricate animations t...
How to Transcribe a Video with 97% Accuracy Using Python
Before we get started, you’ll need to have Python installed on your computer, as well as a few libraries that we’ll be using. To install the necessary libraries, run the following commands in your terminal:...
How to Find The Most Recent File in a Directory in Python
The first step is to import the os library, which will provide access to the directory path and the files within it....
How to Buy and Sell Stocks With Python
The first step is to set up the Alpaca Markets Trading API. You will need to create an Alpaca account and provide your API key ID, API secret key, paper key, and paper secret. You will also need to set up both ...
How to Generate YouTube Thumbnails Easily with Python
Requirements To follow this tutorial, you will need to have the following installed:...
Make an Audio Voiceover of Any Text File With 7 Lines of Python
gTTS (Google Text-to-Speech) is a Python library that allows you to convert text to speech using Google's Text-to-Speech API. In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to use gTTS to easily create an audio voice...
How to Convert PNGs to JPGs in 7 Lines of Python
The first step is to install Pillow, which is a fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL). Pillow is an easy-to-use library that provides support for image manipulation and processing. To install Pillow, open a ...
How to Subscribe to The Result of an API Call in Angular
Angular provides a mechanism to make API calls with its HttpClientModule. When making these calls, you may need to subscribe to the result in a different file than your component. To do this, you can use the An...