Understanding Angular Lifecycle Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide

Jacob Naryan - Full-Stack Developer

Posted: Mon Aug 07 2023

Last updated: Wed Nov 22 2023

Angular, a popular framework for building web applications, provides various lifecycle hooks that give developers more control over their applications. These hooks allow us to tap into different phases of an Angular component’s lifecycle. This blog post will introduce you to all the Angular lifecycle hooks and their specific use cases.

1. ngOnChanges()

The ngOnChanges() hook is called when Angular detects changes to the input properties of the component. It is typically used for executing code based on specific or all changes to input properties. This hook is useful when you want to perform actions in response to changes from a parent component. ngOnChanges is called before ngOnInit() (if the component has bound inputs) and whenever one or more data-bound input properties change.

2. ngOnInit()

The ngOnInit() hook is called once, after the first ngOnChanges(). This hook is specifically designed for initialization work. It's best suited for tasks like fetching data from a backend service or any other setup tasks that must happen once and depend on bound properties.

3. ngDoCheck()

The ngDoCheck() hook is called during every change detection run. It's a good place to implement custom change detection strategies, as you can inspect and react to changes that Angular can't or won't check on its own. ngDoCheck is called immediately after ngOnChanges() on every change detection run, and immediately after ngOnInit() on the first run.

4. ngAfterContentInit()

The ngAfterContentInit() hook is called once after Angular projects external content into the component's view. It’s applicable when a component depends on dynamically loaded content or when working with directives that modify the DOM. ngAFterContentInit is called once after the first ngDoCheck().

5. ngAfterContentChecked()

The ngAfterContentChecked() hook is called after Angular checks the content projected into the component. Similar to ngDoCheck(), ngAFterContentChecked is called after ngAfterContentInit() and every subsequent ngDoCheck().

6. ngAfterViewInit()

The ngAfterViewInit() hook is called once after Angular initializes the component's views and child views (or the view that the directive is in). This lifecycle method can be useful when you want to interact with DOM elements or child components that are not available until the view is fully initialized. ngAfterViewInit is called once after the first ngAfterContentChecked().

7. ngAfterViewChecked()

The ngAfterViewChecked() hook is called after Angular checks the component's views and child views (or the view that the directive is in). Like ngAfterContentChecked(), it gets triggered after ngAfterViewInit() and every subsequent ngAfterContentChecked().

8. ngOnDestroy()

Finally, the ngOnDestroy() hook is called just before Angular destroys the directive or component. This method serves as an opportunity to unsubscribe from observables and detach event handlers to avoid memory leaks.

In conclusion, understanding Angular’s lifecycle hooks allows developers to leverage these powerful tools effectively, enhancing both application performance and developer productivity.

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