How to Use State in Your React Application

Jacob Naryan - Full-Stack Developer

Posted: Fri Mar 31 2023

Last updated: Wed Nov 22 2023

React has a powerful feature called state, which allows you to store and manipulate data in your application. State is an important part of React and is used to maintain the data that is used to render the components. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use state in React and how you can use it to build powerful and dynamic applications.

What is State in React?

State in React is essentially an object that contains data that is used to render components. This data can be changed, added, or removed over time as the user interacts with the application. The state can be used to store any kind of data, from user-inputted values to API responses. The state is also used to keep track of changes and updates in the application.

How to Create a State in React

Creating a state in React is fairly simple. You can create a new state with the useState hook. This hook takes in an initial value as an argument and returns an array with two elements: the current state value and a function that allows you to update the value.

const [state, setState] = useState(initialValue);

The initial value can be anything, from a string to an array of objects. The setState function is used to update the state value. For example, if you wanted to update the state with a new value, you would call setState with the new value as an argument:


How to Access the State in React

Once you have created your state, you can access it anywhere in your component with the useState hook. The state is accessible via the state variable that is returned when you call useState. For example, if you wanted to access the current state value, you would do something like this:

const currentValue = state;

You can also use the setState function to update the state value at any time. For example, if you wanted to update the state with a new value, you would call setState with the new value as an argument:


How to Use State in React Components

Now that you know how to create and access a state in React, let’s look at how we can use it in our components. The most common way of using state in React components is through props. Props are used to pass data from one component to another, and they can be used to pass data from your state object into other components. For example, if we have a button component that needs to know what text should be displayed on it, we could pass our state.text value as a prop:

<Button text={state.text} />

This allows us to dynamically update the text on the button based on our state value. There are many other ways of using state in React components; for example, you can use it for form validation or for storing user preferences. No matter how you use it, using state in React components can make your applications more powerful and dynamic.


In this tutorial, we learned about using state in React and how it can be used for creating powerful and dynamic applications. We also looked at how we can create a state with the useState hook and how we can access it from other components through props. With this knowledge under your belt, you should now have a better understanding of how state works and how you can use it effectively in your own projects.

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