2023 Guide to Learning HTML and CSS in 1 Month

Jacob Naryan - Full-Stack Developer

Posted: Fri Mar 31 2023

Last updated: Wed Nov 22 2023

I made a lot of mistakes when learning HTML and CSS. I jumped right in trying to build things without having an understanding of the technologies I was using. When I finally took a step back and learned things the right way things started clicking for me. Here is exactly how I would learn HTML and CSS in 1 month if I could start over.

This lesson plan is designed for a person that is able to commit at least 1 hour a day to learning how to code.

If you’re ambitious and are willing to spend more than 1 hour a day learning, you could complete this in 2 weeks.

Week 1: Introduction to HTML

Day 1 — Intro to HTML:

  • Read about HTML and its purpose
  • Study the basic structure of an HTML document: doctype, html, headbody)
  • Create and save your first HTML document using a text editor
  • View the document in a web browser

Day 2 — HTML Tags

  • Study the different types of HTML tags (opening, closing, and self-closing)
  • Learn the most commonly used HTML tags: p, div, h1-h6, ul, ol, li, button
  • Practice using HTML tags to structure text

Day 3 — HTML Attributes

  • Study HTML attributes and how they are used in HTML tags
  • Learn about the attributes id, class, and style for now

Day 4 — Hyperlinks

  • Study hyperlinks and how they are used in HTML documents
  • Learn about the target and href attributes
  • Learn how to use relative and absolute URLs
  • Practice creating hyperlinks to other web pages
  • Practice creating phone and email links (tel:, mailto: )

Day 6 — Tables

  • Study tables and how they are used in HTML documents
  • Practice creating and formatting tables using HTML tags: table, tr, td, th, tbody, theadtfoot

Day 7 — Semantic Tags

  • Study semantic HTML and why it’s important for accessibility and SEO
  • Learn about the most commonly used semantic HTML tags: header, nav, main, section, articlefooter)
  • Practice using semantic HTML tags to structure web pages

Week 2 — Introduction to CSS

Day 1 — Introduction to CSS

  • Read about CSS and its purpose
  • Study the syntax and structure of CSS rules
  • Learn where you can put CSS styles: inline, internal stylesheet, external stylesheet
  • Create a basic HTML file and link it to an external CSS file
  • Add basic CSS styles to the HTML document: background-color, font-size, marginpadding

Day 2 — CSS selectors and properties

  • Study CSS selectors and how they’re used to target HTML elements like class and id selectors
  • Learn about CSS properties and their values
  • Practice using CSS selectors and properties to style HTML elements

Day 3 — Box Model and Layout

  • Study the box model and how it affects layout in CSS
  • Learn about the CSS display property and its values
  • Practice creating layouts using CSS

Day 4: Typography and Colors

  • Study typography and how it’s controlled in CSS: font-family, font-weight, line-height
  • Learn about CSS color properties and their values
  • Practice using typography and color in CSS styles

Day 5: Position Properties

  • Learn about positioning elements
  • Study all the values of the position property and practice using each one

Day 6 — Flexbox

  • Study flexbox and how you can use it for web design, positioning elements, and page layout.
  • Learn about flex containers and all the CSS properties that you can use: display, flex-direction, flex-wrap, justify-content, align-content, align-items
  • Learn about flex items and all the CSS properties that you can use: order, flex-grow, flex-shrink, flex-basis, align-self, flex

Day 7— Grid

  • Study CSS Grids and how you can use it for responsive web design, positioning elements, and page layout.
  • Learn about grid containers and all the CSS properties that you can use: display, grid-template-column, grid-template-row, grid-template-areas, column-gap, row-gap, grid-column-gap, grid-row-gap
  • Learn about flex items and all the CSS properties that you can use: grid-column-start, grid-column-end, grid-row-start, grid-row-end, grid-column, grid-row, grid-area

Week 3: Intermediate HTML

Day 1— Images, Video, and Audio

  • Study multimedia and how it’s used in HTML documents
  • Learn how to embed images and videos using HTML tags like img, picture, video, audio, and source
  • Practice embedding images and videos in web pages

Day 2 and 3— Forms

  • Study forms and how they are used in HTML documents
  • Learn about the most common types of form tags: form, input, textarea, select, option, label, button
  • Learn about the most common input types: text, radio, date, datetime-local, email, file, hidden, number, password, range, submit, reset
  • Learn about the most common form tags attributes: method, actionname
  • Practice creating basic forms using HTML tagst

Day 4— Web Accessibility

  • Study web accessibility and why it’s important
  • Learn how to create accessible web pages using HTML tags and attributes and CSS
  • Practice creating accessible web pages

Day 5— SEO

  • Study SEO and how it’s affected by HTML markup
  • Learn how to use meta tags and other HTML elements for SEO
  • Practice optimizing web pages for SEO

Day 6 and 7— Responsive design

  • Study responsive design and how you can use HTML to make a site responsive.
  • Learn about the viewport meta tag and its importance in responsive design

Week 4: Intermediate CSS

Day 1— Advanced Selectors and Properties

  • Study advanced CSS selectors like child selectors and attribute selectors
  • Learn about CSS properties for backgrounds, borders, and shadows
  • Practice using advanced selectors and properties in CSS styles

Day 2 — Responsive Design

  • Study responsive design and how it’s achieved in CSS (e.g. media queries, fluid layouts)
  • Learn about the viewport meta tag and its importance in responsive design
  • Practice creating responsive layouts using CSS media queries

Day 3— CSS Preprocessors

  • Study CSS preprocessors (e.g. Sass, Less) and their advantages
  • Learn how to install and use a CSS preprocessor
  • Practice using variables, nesting, and mixins in a CSS preprocessor

Day 4–7 — CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap)

  • Introduce yourself to popular CSS frameworks, and begin to learn how to use the most popular one Bootstrap.
  • Use Bootstrap’s pre-made classes to design a layout for a page with navigation, a main body divided into a main section and sidebar, and a footer
  • Learn how to style text, forms, buttons, and other HTML elements with pre-made classes.

To wrap up your month of learning and put your knowledge to the test, make an exact replica of a website of your choice. Utilize the developer tools in your browser to examine a website and see how it was built. Try to replicate the same site with a CSS framework like Bootstrap and HTML.

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