How to Combine an Audio and Video File With 7 Lines of Python

Jacob Naryan - Full-Stack Developer
Posted: Sat Apr 01 2023
Last updated: Wed Nov 22 2023
Have you ever needed to add a voice-over or some other audio track over a video? Well, there is a pretty simple way to automate this video editing task with a few lines of Python code.
1. Set Up
First, we need to import the required modules from moviepy
. We'll be using VideoFileClip
, AudioFileClip
, and concatenate_videoclips
. We'll also need to import the os
module to access the directory of our files.
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, AudioFileClip, concatenate_videoclips
import os
2. Get the Title
Next, we’ll ask the user for a title for the new video. This will be used to name the final video file.
# Get the desired video title
title = input("Enter a title: ")
3. Open the Video and Audio Files
Now we’ll open the video and audio files that we want to combine. We’ll use VideoFileClip
and AudioFileClip
to open the files.
# Open the video and audio
video_clip = VideoFileClip("video.mp4")
audio_clip = AudioFileClip("audio.mp3")
4. Concatenate Clips
Once we have opened the clips, we can combine them using concatenate_videoclips
. This will combine the video clip with the audio clip to create a single clip with both elements.
# Concatenate the video clip with the audio clip
final_clip = video_clip.set_audio(audio_clip)
5. Export Video
Finally, we can use write_videofile
to export the finished video with audio as an .mp4 file. The title that was entered earlier will be used as the file name for easy identification.
# Export the final video with audio
final_clip.write_videofile(title + ".mp4")
And that’s it! You’ve successfully combined your audio and video.
Watch the video tutorial here:
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