How to Analyze Market Data with Pandas and Python

Jacob Naryan - Full-Stack Developer
Posted: Sat Jul 22 2023
Last updated: Wed Nov 22 2023
Are you a budding investor or trader interested in analyzing stock prices with the Alpaca Markets API, Pandas, and Python? If so, this guide is for you! In this blog post, I’ll show you how to use these three tools to analyze stock prices and make informed decisions. Let’s get started!
1. Setup Your Alpaca Account
First things first, you need to sign up for an Alpaca account. This is how we will get live market data for free and even a paper account to test our algorithm. Head over to Alpaca, create a free account, and then sign in. Once you’re signed in, you’ll be given an API key and a secret key which you will use to access the Alpaca Markets API.
2. Install Required Libraries
Now that you have your Alpaca account set up and your API keys ready, it’s time to install the required libraries. You will need to install the Alpaca Python SDK as well as Pandas. Both of these libraries are available via pip.
3. Connect to the Alpaca Markets API
Once you have all the required libraries installed, it’s time to connect to the Alpaca Markets API. Start by importing the Alpaca Python SDK:
import alpaca_trade_api as tradeapi
Once imported, create a new instance of the TradeAPI class and pass it your API key and secret key:
api = tradeapi.REST(key_id="YOUR_API_KEY", secret_key="YOUR_SECRET_KEY")
You are now connected to the Alpaca Markets API!
4. Get Stock Data from the API
Now that you are connected to the API, it’s time to get some stock data. You can do this by calling the get_barset() method on the TradeAPI instance you created earlier:
barset = api.get_barset('AAPL', '1D')
This will return a Barset object containing Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) stock data for the past day (1D).
5. Use Pandas to Analyze Stock Data
Now that you have your bar set, it’s time to analyze it with Pandas. Start by importing Pandas:
import pandas as pd
Once imported, create a new data frame from your bar set:
df = pd.DataFrame(barset['AAPL'])
You can now use Pandas’ powerful data analysis tools to analyze your stock data. For example, you can calculate metrics like rolling averages or correlations between variables with ease. The possibilities are endless!
I won’t go into depth here about how to work with data and Pandas, I’ll save that for another blog. So make sure to follow so you don’t miss out!