How to Use Cards in Your Angular Site With Angular Material

Jacob Naryan - Full-Stack Developer
Posted: Sat Aug 05 2023
Last updated: Wed Nov 22 2023
Angular Material helps developers create high-quality, responsive, and stylish UIs for their applications. One commonly used component is the mat-card, which is a content container for text, photos, and actions in the context of a single subject.
In this post, we’ll show you how to use the mat-card component including the mat-card-header, mat-card-title,mat-card-subtitle , and mat-card-content tags.
1. Installing Angular Material
Before you can use mat-card, you need to install Angular Material in your project. Use the Angular CLI's install command:
ng add @angular/material
2. Importing MatCardModule
Next, import the MatCardModule into your application module:
import { MatCardModule } from '@angular/material/card';
// ...
imports: [
// ...
// ...
// ...
export class AppModule { }
3. Using <mat-card>
Now, you can start using <mat-card> in your components.
Here is a basic example:
<mat-card-title>Card Title</mat-card-title>
<mat-card-subtitle>Extra large</mat-card-subtitle>
<img mat-card-xl-image src="" >
<p>This is some card content.</p>
Let’s break down what’s happening here:
4. <mat-card-header>
The <mat-card-header> tag is used to create a container for card headers. Inside this, we've included <mat-card-title> , mat-card-subtitleand img tags.
5. <mat-card-title> and <mat-card-subtitle>
The <mat-card-title> and mat-card-subtitletag is where you put your card's title and subtitle respectively.
6. <mat-card-content>
Lastly, the <mat-card-content> tag is where you put the content of your card. In our example, it's just a paragraph saying "This is some card content." You can put any valid HTML inside this tag.
And there you have it! You’ve created a simple card with Angular Material’s mat-card component. Experiment with adding more elements inside your cards to see what else you can do!
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